CF SHOP! card

Whether you're looking for a way to say 'thank you', 'happy birthday', or 'let's go shopping' - the CF SHOP! card says it all.


CF SHOP! card

CF SHOP! card

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CF la carte SHOPPING!

CF la carte SHOPPING!

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CF SHOP! card - Thank You!

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CF la carte SHOPPING! - Merci!

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Happy Holidays!

CF SHOP! card - Happy Birthday!

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Bonne Fête!

CF la carte SHOPPING! - Bonne Fête!

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CF shop card Congratulations

CF SHOP! card - Congratulations!

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CF la carte Félecitations

CF la carte SHOPPING! - Félicitations!

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CF SHOP! card

CF SHOP! card - Shopping Spree!

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CF la carte Viree SHOPPING

CF la carte SHOPPING! - Virée Shopping!

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